Water Fuel Cars - Can You Really Run Your Car on Water Instead of Gasoline?

Tags: water fuel car, HHO

Want to learn if you can actually run your car on water? In this article you are going to discover the whole truth about water powered cars. You can't run a vehicle only on water, you are going to need gasoline in the car as well.

Water will simply help gas burn more efficiently. It is a fact that because of the poorly-designed engines, only 20% of gasoline is actually used to move the car. The rest gets wasted as heat and carbon deposits that collect in various parts of the engine. By using this system you will be able to stop converting gas to heat and pollution and greatly boost your fuel efficiency.

Here are some of the benefits of a water powered car:

    * You can double your mileage and cut your gas bill in half.
    * You can clean up emissions and protect your health and the health of your family.
    * You can prevent global warming and help the environment.
    * You can make your engine last longer.
    * You can qualify for IRS tax refunds because of using green energy.
    * You can reduce the wear and tear of your engine and cut back on maintenance costs.

It is possible to convert your existing car to run on water, even if you have little mechanical knowledge. The materials you are going to need, can be found at any hardware store and in general cost less than $50. Some of the necessary parts are: electrical wiring, a sealed quart size container, baking soda, distilled water and CPVC pipes. You only need to slightly modify your engine and the process is completely reversible and doesn't void your warranty. The conversion works for 99% of diesel and gas powered vehicles (vans, cars, trucks and SUV's). You first need to install the container under the hood and fill it with water and baking soda.

The homemade device will get electricity from the vehicle's battery and break the water molecules into 2 parts of Hydrogen and 1 part of Oxygen. This process is called electrolysis and its outcome is a very powerful fuel called HHO or Oxyhydrogen. HHO will then be supplied to the engine's air intake and will get mixed with gasoline to increase efficiency. To this day, thousands of people around the world have used this revolutionary technology.

Click Here to find out how to convert your car to burn Water As A Fuel!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_K._Jones